Westchester Attorneys Ready To Fight For You-
Answers from Our Westchester County Criminal Defense Lawyers
I Already Have a Civil Attorney, Can They Represent Me?It is likely that if you ask your civil attorney to represent you in a criminal case they will advise you to find an experienced criminal defense attorney. Civil and criminal trials require very different skill sets, and it is exceedingly rare to find a lawyer who regularly practices in both areas. A criminal defense attorney has dedicated their entire career to working with law enforcement, learning how to gather evidence, and collecting all the details relevant to a criminal trial. It is in your best interests to find a legal counselor who works in this realm day in and day out. Our attorneys have experience as both criminal prosecutors and defense attorneys, meaning they has comprehensive knowledge of how the legal system works from both sides.
I Have Been Charged with Multiple Crimes at Once, What Do I Do?Law enforcement officials often tack on as many charges as they can onto a defendant in order to land at least one conviction. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed when you hear a long list of charges levied against you, but it is important that you do not panic. In many cases, several of these charges can be dismissed with the help of an accomplished attorney. Oftentimes a prosecutor will try to tempt a defendant into a plea deal by offering to drop charges, but you should never agree to this without speaking to an experienced defense attorney. The goal of your defense counsel will be to see all of the charges against you dismissed or reduced.
What Are Some Penalties for DWI?In the state of New York, DWI convictions can carry penalties of license suspension, fines, mandatory education programs, installments of Ignition Interlock Devices, and even jail time. Certain factors, including the involvement of drugs, the number of times you've been convicted, and the age of the driver can all affect the penalties you face.
What Types of White Collar Crimes Can I Go to Jail For?Although many white collar crimes are punishable by law, some are punished more severely. For example, individuals who are involved in wire fraud, mail fraud, healthcare fraud, mortgage fraud, insurance fraud, and money laundering and are found guilty will likely find themselves in jail.
Can I Go to Jail if I am Found Guilty of a Violent Crime?Yes, and your chances are much higher without the help of an attorney. Punishment for violent crimes will vary depending on the category of the crime and the decision that the judge makes. For example, a conviction of a misdemeanor crime will have less jail time than a felony. Learn more by talking to a lawyer directly.